
・林和典, 下田元毅, 小島見和, 辻寛, 杉田美和, 松原茂樹, 木多道宏: 奈良県吉野郡十津川村の林業・木材業産地の形成と「林業の6次産業化」の成立要因, 日本建築学会計画系論文集88巻805号, 2023年3月(掲載予定)

・江端木環, 下田元毅, 小島見和, 松原茂樹, 木多道宏: 子どもの絵地図の制作過程からみる地域との文脈形成に関する研究, 日本建築学会計画系論文集88巻806号, 2023年4月(掲載予定)


・Okyere, S.A., Frimpong, L.K., Diko, S.K., Abunyewah, M., Kita, M.: Situating Everyday Urban Struggles within the Context of the SDGs in an Informal Settlement in Accra, Ghana. Sustainable Urban Futures in Africa, Routledge: New York, pp. 112-132, 2022

・Fatemi, M. Okyere, S.A., Diko, S., Abuyewah, M., Kita, M. Eslamian, S.: Physical Vulnerability, Flood Damage, and Adjustments: Examining the Factors Affecting Damage to Residential Buildings in Eastern Dhaka. Flood Handbook: impacts and management. CRC press: New York, 2022

Euridice Lurdes Jorge Pedrosa, Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Michihiro Kita: Informal Greenspaces in Peripheral Luanda, Angola: Benefits and Challenges, Sustainable Urban Futures in Africa, Routledge, pp.159-183, 2022

・丁文磊, 松原茂樹, 下田元毅, 木多道宏: 高齢中国帰国者の環境移行と住環境の実態に関する研究 中国残留邦人一世・二世とその配偶者を対象とした調査を通して, 日本建築学会計画系論文集87巻793号, pp. 487-498, 2022年3月

・林和典, 下田元毅, 小島見和, 松原茂樹, 木多道宏: 木材生産構造の変遷からみた地域における林業・木材業産地の形成 和歌山県田辺における山長商店を中心とした事業者間の取引関係の考察を通して, 日本建築学会計画系論文集87巻791号, pp. 100-110, 2022年1月

・Frimpong, L.K., Okyere, S.A., Diko, S.K., Abunyewah, M., Erdiaw-Kwasie, M.O., Commodore, T.S., Oviedo, D., Kita, M.: Actor-Network Analysis of Community-Based Organizations in Health Pandemics: Evidence from COVID-19 Response in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Disasters Journal (in press): Wiley, London, pp. 1-30, 2022

・Abunyewah, M. Okyere, S.A., Diko, S., Erdiaw, M. Kita, M.: Residents response strategies to flooding and their sustainability implications in Old Fadama, Accra. Disaster Risk Reduction for resilience, Springer, 2022


・江端木環, 伊勢聡史, 岡田まどか, 杉田美和, 清水信宏, 岡崎瑠美, セス・アサレ・オチェレ, 下田元毅, 松原茂樹, 木多道宏: 非正規市街地における水・衛生環境の整備と維持管理の実態からみた地域マネジメントの仕組みに関する考察ガーナ・アクラのLa市域Abese地区土着コミュニティを対象として, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, No.779, 2021年1月

・Ye, N., Kita, M., Matsubara, S., Okyere, S.A, Shimoda, M.: A Study of the Spatial Distribution of Danwei Compounds in the Old Town of Hefei, China. Urban Science, Vol.5,7, MDPI, 2021.1

・Nugroho, S., Okyere, S.A., Kita, M., Matsubara, S., Shimoda, M.: A study on the relationship between the physical environment and human behaviors in the periphery Kampong of Kapuk, Jakarta, Indonesia, Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of the AIJ), 86, 781, 2021.3

・Nanqui Ye, Michihiro Kita, Shigeki Matsubara, Seth Asare Okyere, Motoki Shimoda: Socio-Spatial Changes in Danwei Neighbourhoods: A Case Study of the AMS Danwei Compound in Hefei, China, Urban Science, MDPI Vol.5(7) pp.1-17 2021.4

・Diko, S. K., Okyere, S. A., Opoku Mensah, S. O., Ahmed, A., Yamoah, O., Kita M.: Are Local Development plans mainstreaming Climate-Smart Agriculture? A mixed-content analysis of Medium-Term Developments Plans in semi-arid Ghana. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, Springer, 2021.4

・松原茂樹: 緊急事態宣言解除直後の図書館の新型コロナウイルス感染拡大予防対策の評価―ある図書館でのキャプション評価の実施―、日本建築学会技術報告集第27巻第67号、pp. 1362-1377, 2021年10月

・Md. Nawrose Fatemi, Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Matthew Abunyewah, Michihiro Kita, Tahmina Rahman: Flooding in mega-cities: using structural equation modeling to assess flood impact in Dhaka, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 12(5), pp.500-514, 2021.11

・Eurídice Lurdes Jorge Pedrosa, Seth Asare Okyere, Louis Kusi Frimpong, Stephen Kofi Diko, Tracy Sidney Commodore, Michihiro Kita: Planning for informal urban green space in African cities: Children’s perception and use in peri-urban areas of Luanda, Angola. Urban Science, pp.53- 50, MDPI, Switzerland, 2021

・Daniel Oviedo, Seth Asare Okyere, Mariajosé Nieto, Michihiro Kita, Louis Frimpong Kusic, Yasmina Yusuf, Braima Koroma: Walking off the beaten path: Everyday walking environment and practices in informal settlements in Freetown, Research in Transportation Business & Management, ELSEVIER, 2021

・Frimpong, L.K., Okyere, S.A., Diko, S.K., Abunyewah, Boateng, V., Kita, M.: ‘Everybody is Taking Their Security in Their Own Hands’: Exploring Everyday Urban Safety Perceptions and Realities in Sekondi‐Takoradi, Ghana, Urban Forum (2021), Springer, 2021



・杉田美和,川崎衣里永,木多道宏,下田元毅,辻寛,松原茂樹,オチェレ セス アサレ:大災害からの復興における「地域文脈」の解読 神戸市兵庫区松本地区における阪神・淡路大震災からの復興土地区画整理事業を対象として, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, No.772, pp.1183-1193, 2020年6月

・杉田美和,飯田大輝,木多道宏,辻寛,下田元毅,松原茂樹,オチェレ セス アサレ:連鎖的な再開発事業が成立する中心市街地の「地域文脈」に関する研究 高松丸亀町商店街における地権者・事業主体間の経済システムの分析, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, No.775, pp.1943-1953, 2020年9月

・Md. Nawrose Fatemi, Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Michihiro Kita, Motoki Shimoda, Shigeki Matsubara: Physical Vulnerability and Local Responses to Flood Damage in Peri-Urban Areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sustainable Urban and Rural Development, Society for Urban Studies, Switzerland, Elsevier, pp.1-23, 2020

・Md. Nawrose Fatemi, Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Michihiro Kita: Multi-Level Climate Governance in Bangladesh via Climate Change Mainstreaming: Lessons for Local Climate Action in Dhaka City, Journal of Urban Science, Elsevier, pp.1-20, 2020

・Md. Nawrose Fatemi, Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Matthew Abunyewahc, Michihiro Kita : Physical Vulnerability, Flood Damage, and Adjustments: Examining the Factors Affecting Damage to Residential Buildings in Eastern Dhaka, Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: Disaster Hydrological Resilience, Cities and Sustainability Reader – Springer, 2020

・Md. Nawrose Fatemi, Michihiro Kita, Seth Asare Okyere, Motoki Shimoda, Shigeki Matsubara: Study on Physical Vulnerability and Improvement Actions of Residential Buildings to Urban Flooding in Eastern Dhaka, Bangladesh (バングラデシュ東部ダッカの都市洪水に対する住宅建築の脆弱性と改善行為に関する研究), Journal of Architecture and Planning, Architectural Institute of Japan, pp.1229-1239, 2020.6

・Viktória Sugár, AttilaTalamon, András Horkaib, Michihiro Kita: Energy saving retrofit in a heritage district: The case of the Budapest, Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier, 2020

・山隈直人, 阪田弘一, 木多道宏, 岩佐明彦, 新井信幸, 牧紀男, 平田隆行: 建設実験に基づく被災地地元業者主体による規格型応急仮設住宅供給のための施工可能性の検討, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, No.776, pp. 2129-2138, 2020年10月

・Fatemi, N., Okyere, S.A, Diko, S.K., Abunyewah, M. Kita, M., Rahman, T. (2020) Flooding in Mega-cities: Using Structural Equation Modelling to Assess Flood Impact in Dhaka. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, Vol. 12, 1, 2020.12

・Okyere, S.A: Africa’s urban future: Agile or Fragile? Invited Essay for German Agency for International Development Special Edition on Cities, Akzente 20/2, 2020

・Abunyewah, M., Gajendran, T., Maund, K., Okyere, S. A.: Strengthening the information deficit model for disaster preparedness: Mediating and moderating effects of community participation, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 46, 101492, 2020


・Nugroho, S.., Okyere, S.A., Kita, M., Matsubara, S., Shimoda, M.: A study on the relationship between the physical environment and human behaviors in the inner-city Kampong of Kebon Kacang, Jakarta (Indonesia), Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of the AIJ), 84, 765, 2019

・Abunyewah, M., Gajendran, T., Maund, K., Okyere, S. A.: Linking information provision to behavioural intentions: Moderating and mediating effects of message clarity and source credibility, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 100-118, 2019

・Viktória Sugár, AttilaTalamon, András Horkaib, Yuta Nagai, Michihiro Kita: A Study on Architectural Style, Structure and Geometry in the Old Jewish Quarter Building Stock of Budapest (ブダペスト、旧ユダヤ人居住地区における建物ストックの様式・構造・形態に関する研究), Journal of Architecture and Planning, Architectural Institute of Japan, pp.1835-1843, 2019


・司馬麻未, 三好庸隆, 木多道宏: シェア居住における共用空間が社会環境形成に与える影響 –シェアハウスの居住実態調査–, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, No.762, pp.1657-1667, 2019年8月


・Viktória Sugár, AttilaTalamon, András Horkaib, Michihiro Kita: Architectural style in line with energy demand: Typology-based energy estimation of a downtown district, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier, pp.1-15, 2018


 研究,日本造園学会,ランドスケープ研究81巻5号, pp.681-686,2018

・Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Matthew Abunyewah and Michihiro Kita. Advancing  Community Participation in Climate Change Adaptation and community building in Ghana. Hints from Japanese Machizukuri Activities in Cobbinah, P.B. and Addaney, M. (eds) Appreciating Difference: the Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Africa. Springer Series, 2018

・Seth Asare Okyere: Centralising civic engagement and social innovation in the smart city discourse. Building Information Modelling (BIM) Community Online Journal, Ziggurat Global Institute of Technology, Barcelona, pp. 1-5, 2018


 地域文脈を継承した漁村群の復興に関する研究 その1,日本建築学会計画系論文,No.733,pp.647-656,2017.3

・Viktória Sugár, Attila Talamon, András Horkai, Michihiro Kita: Assessment of Rehabilitation Possibilities in Case of Budapest Jewish Quarter Building Stock, In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering Vol: 11, No: 3: pp. 361-366, 2017

・Viktória Sugár, Attila Talamon, András Horkai, Michihiro Kita: Energy Intensity of a Historical Downtown: Estimating the Energy Demand of a Budapest District, In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering Vol: 11, No: 3: Pp. 373-379, 2017


・Haroon Nazire, Michihiro Kita: Specifying Characteristics of Informal Settlements by Comparing Four Areas From the Aspects of Houses, Land Tenure and Social Factors in Kabul (住宅、土地所有、社会的要因からみた4地区の比較考察によるアフガニスタン、カブール市非正規市街地特性の検討), Afghanistan, Journal of Architecture and Planning, Architectural Institute of Japan, pp.2197-2206, 2016

・Seth Asare Okyere, Stephen Kofi Diko, Miyuki Hiraoka, Michihiro Kita. An Urban Mixity: Spatial dynamics of social interactions and Human Behaviors in Abese informal quarter, La Dadekotopon (Ghana), Urban Science, Vol.1, No.13, pp.1-19, April, 2016

・Seth Asare Okyere and Michihiro Kita. “See this is a very good place; we are doing many things”: Residents’ activities and satisfaction in Abese informal settlement (La, Ghana), Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.77-100. March, 2016

・Seth Asare Okyere, Kareninia Aramburu, Michihiro Kita, and Haroon Nazire. COFOPRIs Land Regularization Program in Saul Cantoral Informal Settlement: Process, Results and the way forward. Current Urban Studies, Vol.4, No.1 pp.53-68. March, 2016

・Seth Asare Okyere. Review: A future for the informal city. Merging planning, design and management solutions. Urbanistica tre: Journal of urban design and planning, pp. 1-3, May edition, 2016

・Seth Asare Okyere. Why focusing on new towns will not fix the Africa urban crises. Urbanistica tre: Journal of urban design and planning, pp.1-3, November edition, 2016

・Haroon Nazire, Michihiro Kita, Seth Asare Okyere and Shigeki Matsubara. Effects of Informal Settlement upgrading in Kabul City, Afghanistan: Case study of Afshar area. Current Urban studies, Vol.4, No. 2 pp.476-494. December, 2016


・Seth Asare Okyere and Michihiro Kita. Rethinking urban informality and informal settlement growth in urban Africa: A literature discussion. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp.101-124, March, 2015

・Gifty Adom-Asamoah, Seth Asare Okyere, Ebenezer Ato K Senaya. Factors influencing school travel mode choices in Kumasi, Ghana, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol.4, No. 1, pp.1-17, February, 2015

・Seth Asare Okyere, Gifty-Adom-Asamoah, Karenina Guevara Aramburu, Don Johnson Lontoc. Contested space: Manila sunset bay and the conflict over land reclamation for an urban transformation project. Journal of studies in social sciences, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 75-98, October, 2015