・Okyere, S.A., Oviedo, D., Kusi, F.L., Nieto, M., Kita, M.: People living in African urban setting do a lot of walking: but their cities are not walkable. The Conversation, March, 23, 2021
・豊原大瑛, 松原茂樹, 木多道宏, 下田元毅: コミュニティカフェを運営する看護士がつくる精神障碍者と地域住民の「つながり」形成に関する研究,地域施設計画研究,vol.38,pp.151-158,2020.7
・Okyere, S.A., Abunyewah, M., Diko, S. K.: How a Japanese system can help African cities adapt to climate change. The Conversation, April 2019
・Okyere, S.A., Amoako-Arhen, A., Abunyewah, M.: Why linking rural and urban areas matters for development: A Ghana case study. The Conversation, September 2018
・Okyere, S.A., Tasantab, C.J., Abunyewah, M.: Accra’s informal settlements are easing the city’s urban housing crisis. The Conversation, October 2018
・Abunyewah, M., Savage, D., Maund, K., Erdiaw-Kawasie, M.O, Okyere, S. A., Gajendran, T.: More people in Africa need to be insured against natural disasters. The Conversation, June 2018
・Okyere, S.A, Abunyewah, M., Erdiaw-Kwasie, M. O.: Policymakers have a lot to learn from slum dwellers: An Accra case study. The Conversation, March 2018
・松原茂樹, 大原一興, 鈴木毅, 森一彦: 共生型福祉施設への福祉転用事例に関する研究 −空き家・空きビルの福祉転用研究 その6−,地域施設計画研究,vol.35,25-32,2017.7
・Seth Asare Okyere. Fostering a human city: Insights from the Human Economy Approach. Center for urban planning and policy analysis (CUPPA) Perspective and Working papers, 1/17, pp. 1-14, June, 2017
・Seth Asare Okyere. Review: A future for the informal city. Merging planning, design and management solutions. Urbanistica tre: Journal of urban design and planning, pp. 1-3, May edition, 2016
・Seth Asare Okyere. Why focusing on new towns will not fix the Africa urban crises. Urbanistica tre: Journal of urban design and planning, pp.1-3, November edition, 2016
・Seth Asare Okyere. Urban Governance: Making the Jakarta declaration work, The Jakarta Post, pp.1-3, August, 2016
・Seth Asare Okyere. Urbanization in Asia: Double-edge sword? The Jakarta Post, pp.1-2, July, 2016
・Seth Asare Okyere, Gifty-Adom-Asamoah, Karenina Guevara Aramburu, Don Johnson Lontoc. Contested space: Manila sunset bay and the conflict over land reclamation for an urban transformation project. Journal of studies in social sciences, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 75-98, October, 2015